Program Overview

Solarize Santa Fe is a program designed to help City of Santa Fe residents save money, create jobs, and address climate change by increasing access to rooftop solar and energy and water efficiency.

We have negotiated a group discount and consumer protections on solar installations with high quality, pre-vetted installers to make going solar easy and affordable. We also have special offers to make rooftop solar accessible to low-and-moderate income residents.


How It Works

  1. City of Santa Fe residents sign up for Solarize Santa Fe using the sign-up form (coming soon), and choose one of our approved installers.
  2. An approved installer will determine the suitability of your home for a solar installation and provide an initial financial analysis.
  3. If you remain interested, the installer will conduct an in-person assessment of your home and prepare a detailed proposal.
  4. Our team will also connect you with efficiency programs and resources to reduce your energy and water bills.
  5. We will connect you with finance providers and/or our low-and-moderate income customer offerings to maximize savings.
  6. At this point, you decide whether to approve and sign a contract. To participate, you will need to finalize this decision before the campaign deadline.
  7. The installer will then complete all of the necessary engineering, permitting, and design work for your project.
  8. And with that, you start saving money on your electricity bill and powering your home with clean energy.